Business-People Pairing

How would it be like if our sales-person shared a few hours of his time acting as an observer on implementing a user story with one of the developers? What if our HR manager set aside a part of her Monday to watch a developer troubleshooting an application or setting up a deployment script?

If software development is at the core of a business (or even if it’s a support function), I would expect that such scheme can help shed a light on how the service is being delivered. It would make it easier for business people to understand what it means when a propeller-head say that “Story X would take Y days to implement” or that “a new release will be deployed to the production server”.

I can understand (and appreciate) that each party has his own value to add to the supply chain. But, sometimes that internal supply chain is taken for granted, and as days go by, everyone starts swimming in his own pond, forgetting that it takes a team effort to deliver quality service.

I’m not sure if such schemes (Business/Developer Pairing) are implemented, but, I would expect it being part of an operations management practice.

Anyone out there?